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New outdoor area among changes at Wyndham Park Nursery School in Grantham

Children at the nursery enjoying the new outdoor area.
Children at the nursery enjoying the new outdoor area.

Wyndham Park Nursery School has undergone a lot of changes since the arrival of new head teacher Laura Cook in September, all centred on their three key aims to ‘excite, engage and educate’.

The only local authority maintained nursery school in Grantham, funded through them and run by qualified teachers, the nursery school already has a great reputation in providing early years education to more than a hundred three to five-year-olds, and has been rated ‘Outstanding’ in its last two Ofsted inspections.

Children at the nursery enjoying the new outdoor area.
Children at the nursery enjoying the new outdoor area.

Yet not wanting to rest on their laurels, staff at the nursery school off Hill Avenue have identified opportunities to further its provision and given a ‘fresh look’ to everything from its logo to its facilities.

Among the most innovative new aspects is the creation of an online learning portal, which staff update with reports on each child so that parents know exactly what progress is being made each day - a popular service which is particularly helpful for those parents serving in the armed forces. “I wanted to bring in some fresh ideas,” explains Mrs Cook, “And to show that we are forward-thinking.”

Moreover there is a new outdoor play area, with each piece of equipment carefully chosen to aid the youngsters’ physical but also cognitive, social and emotional development. This includes a ‘clamber stack’ they can climb up, a mud kitchen, digging pit and a small stream. Mrs Cook adds: “The children will gain from more engaging play experiences and more opportunities for healthy growth and development - all of which is likely to lead to them having a happier childhood and becoming more resilient, competent and confident people.”

Meanwhile the nursery school is proud of its dedicated classes for children with special educational needs, referred to them by Lincolnshire County Council. Both the nursery school’s special educational needs coordinator Sarah Waterfall and speech and language teacher Rosie Toulmin-Routh say they are able to develop these children’s language and social skills by working with them in small groups and a one-to-one basis. Those with physical disabilities can also receive individual physio sessions from staff on site.

The nursery school is also busy organising a range of exciting experiences for the children this year, with both a yoga instructor and a soundLINCS musician booked to share their expertise with the youngsters over six weeks, Zoolab coming in for a day with various animals and minibeasts, and an African Dancing experience planned too.

Ultimately it is all about preparing the children for the next stage. “We are committed to ensuring that children are emotionally, socially and academically ‘primary school ready’,” concludes Mrs Cook.

To find out more, contact the nursery school on 01476 563966 or email enquiries@wyndhampark.lincs.sch.uk

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